Monday, February 26, 2007

What to Do With Your Digital Scrapbook

Once you have a few pages done – and with unlimited choices, it may take a while – you can decide whether you want it to remain digital or you want to move it into the world of hard copy.

You can print out copies of your scrapbook for gifts, just make sure you have the right binder to go with the printer paper you chose. You can burn it to a CD to have it printed at a copy center. Remember to save it as a full-size .pdf, .jpg, .tif, or .bmp file.

Of course, digital scrapbooking means you will be able to e-mail it or display it on your personal web site. If that’s your plan, keep your file to under 100KB. Save a version with a different name in a .jpg format and check your site requirements for the size in pixels and dpi.

Monday, February 19, 2007

What You Need

Obviously, you’ll need a computer with sufficient RAM, and digital-imaging software like Adobe Photoshop. Check your operating system to see if you already have a basic package included. Digital scrapbooking is nothing without photos, so you’ll need a way to download them from your camera and/or scan them in. If you want to print your scrapbook, you’ll need a good color printer and the proper paper. While you’re shopping, take a look at some of the available digital scrapbooking software like layout templates, fonts and embellishment graphics. You may also want a little animation if you scrapbook will be online.

Monday, February 12, 2007

What about it

You can use familiar computer tools to create your entire layout online, and make a background in whatever color or texture you like. It can look like wallpaper from the 50’s or a spaceship from the year 2340. Matting a digital photo is simple and while you’re at it, manipulate the photo itself by adding some color to a black and white picture or making a color photo black and white.

Crop it, fade it, add a famous movie star to it – digital scrapbooking removes the limitations from your creativity. Be the first scrapbooker in your family to make Granny’s birthday party 3D, and embellishments are simple since you already know how to add text. If you want a quicker, more professional look, you can even buy software with layout templates ready to be filled in.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

What It Is

Digital scrapbooking is computerized scrapbooking and there’s nothing virtual about it. You may already be using digital components in your scrapbooks. You probably use a digital camera at least some of the time. You may scan hard copies of photos into your computer to manipulate them with a photo editor, or even print out pictures of historic or news events to add a time frame to a page. If so, it’s time to take it a step further.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Digital Scrapbooking Blends Tradition with Techno

Scrapbooking – everybody’s doing it. It’s the way to keep track of a family’s history or to tell the story of a special event. It’s the 21st Century version of a photo album or a journal. If your scrapbooks are only paper and pictures, however, you can step a bit further into the future.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Record any event for no reason what-so-ever; remember everyday of your life is important, you will never ever get this day back again, and in this way it is unique and special. Many of us maintain journals where they make an entry everyday no matter what happens, and those journals have made some people very famous when later in life they decided to write a book.

Scrapbooking is a wonderful way to record occasions of any sort anytime from birthdays, to graduation, to marriages and anniversaries – literarily one’s life story. Catalog scrapbooking can help you recollect and put together your life as a book, one day.

So start today and record your life, you never know it may turn you into a millionaire tomorrow.


Scrapbooking is a memory recorder invented and kept by every individual separately, in order to recall the memories at anytime they choose. Scrapbooking can even be kept on a computer should you choose not to physically create it by hand; however, handwriting is more personal and in due course it will hold more sentimental value.

In time, creating catalog scrapbooking is a great idea in order to store and recollect the occasions you entered. Catalog scrapbooking has the function of labeling and numbering your scrapbooking.

Helpful Tips

* Create a catalog scrapbook as soon as you have couple of scrapbooks or in case you are maintaining all this data online.
* The first page in the catalog scrapbook should be the index and some guidelines of what the scrapbooks contain.
* All scrapbooking should have date and if possible at least one picture of the occasion you are entering.

The more organized and clear your entries in the scrapbook the easier it will be to recall them when the time comes; for example if you have your child pictures crawling for the first time and nothing written next to it, after a few years you will not know why you took the picture other then your baby looked really cute.

Catalog scrapbooking will keep all dates together in sequence, which will be nice to follow especially if you are recording a baby’s life from birth.

Catalog Scrapbooking Your Life

What life comes down to, in the end, are the memories you make and remember with your family and friends. What better way to spend the holiday than sitting with our family and friends and remembering the good times, while making new memories?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Here are Some Scrapbook Decorating Options

This has to be as cute and funny, while capturing as many of your feelings in the process as possible. When you look back over the years it should be able to give you a glimpse in the past and also how you felt at that time. Pictures and writing usually have that effect.
* Place tickers as decoration.

* A bit of the hair from your baby’s first haircut.

* Quotes.

* Definitions.

* Writing – journaling your feelings down is something that will be cherished forever by your child.

* Show the happiness you feel in the scrapbook.
A baby scrapbooking idea is something that will come to you when the occasion shows up; so go with what you feel, and that will turn out to be the best baby scrapbooking idea over time. This book is about feelings and memories, which will live forever and ever to be cherished and passed on.
You never know, your own child may steal a baby scrapbooking idea from you when the time comes, and that will probably make you the proudest mom alive. Take time creating your baby scrapbook, you will definitely have fun going through it over the years.

A Baby Scrapbooking Idea for Everyone

Your baby’s scrapbook is something you are going to enjoy a long, long time from now; so, take your time and make it just like you really felt at the time of the event.

What Occasion Should be Kept in the Baby Scrapbook?
Any and every occasion can get recorded in a scrapbook that you will have fun watching and recollecting later on in life; after all, every day is special with your baby and family.

A Baby Scarpbooking Idea
Here are a few ideas for your baby’s scrapbook:
* Your baby shower pictures, and other times when you were pregnant, make great scrapbooking ideas to kick off the beginning of the book.

* Being in the hospital for check ups and eventually the delivery day.* Visitors at the hospital, the nurses, and doctor who were present the day you gave birth to your baby.* The day of your baby’s birth.

* For the first year you can take a picture every day and gradually show the changes in the baby and/or what cute things he/she did everyday.

* The ‘firsts’ in your baby’s life such as: first day at home, first holidays, first haircut, first bath, first smile, first steps, and first birthday.

* The impressions of his/her hands, feet, or lips.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Baby Scrapbooking in 7 Easy Steps (2)

5. Look for shortcuts Buy a ready-made scrapbooking kit or mini scrapbooking packages with a baby theme to make your life easier. You will not need to hunt for the perfect embellishment as you will have a variety to choose from in the package already.
6. Carve out time Whether you classify baby scrapbooking as your personal ‘me time’ or as an investment in preserving your family memories, do not feel guilty about it. You would probably be better off napping while the baby sleeps, but if he’s happy in his swing or bouncer, go for it and create a page or two.
7. Put it all together You have the supplies, the pictures, the journaling, the kit and the time. Now experiment with whatever look you may want for your page. Remember, the cutting, pasting and layout does not have to be perfect – because your memories are.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Baby Scrapbooking in 7 Easy Steps

As new parents you are sleep-deprived, exhausted and just so busy changing diapers and washing bottles that the last thing on your mind would be to start baby scrapbooking. However clichéd it may sound, time does fly and even though it doesn’t seem like it when you’re up for a 3AM feeding, your baby will grow up so fast that you wish you had preserved those priceless memories.
Here is how you can start baby scrapbooking in just 7 easy steps:
1. Enroll in a baby scrapbooking class before the baby arrives
If you are a rookie in the scrapbooking world, you may find it easier to register for a baby scrapbooking class in your area. Specialty stores like Archivers have free classes as well as ones for a fee. Your local park district may also offer a short course on the fundamentals of baby scrapbooking.
2. Gather supplies well before your due date
If you find out the sex of the baby before hand, you can buy color coordinated paper, stickers or ribbon months before the baby is due. Otherwise, you could still opt for mostly neutral greens and yellows with unisex motifs like rubber duckies or balloons.
3. Sort as you take pictures
Whether you get your roll of film developed, or order digital prints, choose your favorite poses as the envelopes come in because if you begin to procrastinate, the piles will just get bigger and bigger.
4. Keep a journal on your nightstand
If there is something you want to jot down at any time of the day, just make a note in your journal. Write down the day your little bundle of joy first smiled at you, her first tooth and her first words. Then all you’ll need to do is cut and paste with the corresponding photos.

to be continue....